The Fund «Kremlin stars» was created by a group of like-minded people with the support of prominent representatives of science and art in order to form property on the basis of voluntary property contributions and donations, as well as other income not prohibited by law and the use of this property for cultural, educational, scientific, social and other socially useful activities:
material, financial, organizational, informational and other support of highly professional musical groups and performers, developing the best traditions of domestic and world musical culture;
expansion of creative contacts with musical groups operating in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in foreign countries;
support of initiatives aimed at solving social, charitable and other socially significant problems arising in the musical world;
providing comprehensive assistance to activities in the field of education, education and science and medicine, art and culture, promoting the spiritual development of the individual;
organization and holding of world-class festivals.
Currently, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, work is underway to create the State Kremlin Orchestra. It will be a large universal orchestra consisting of three orchestral groups: symphonic, brass and pop. The orchestra will have to perform at a high professional and artistic level works of different musical genres, trends and styles: from ancient Russian music, folklore of the peoples of the world and modern popular music to monumental works of world symphonic classics. In its work, the orchestra will have to rely on the orchestral traditions created by the Russian classical music school, on the one hand, and adhere to modern world standards of musical performing arts, on the other.
One of the goals of the Foundation is to promote the development of healthcare in the Russian Federation, drawing on international experience.